
Care of Implant sites

We would like to thank you for choosing us to perform your surgical procedure. We have provided some basic post-operative instructions to make your recovery as comfortable as possible. Please read through these instructions carefully. If adhered to, they will ensure smooth and easy healing. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our office on 07 5527 8858.

Placement of implants usually does not create a great deal of pain; however some discomfort may be anticipated. Dr Webber has prescribed pain relief medication in the event that it is required after your anaesthetic wears off. This is usually 4- 6 hours after your procedure if done in our rooms, or 6-8 hours after if performed under a general anaesthetic. Do not wait for the pain to set in before using some form of medication, as it will then be more difficult to control. All medications have the ability to cause nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, dizziness and itching. If these side effects occur, discontinue the medication. If the pain cannot be controlled by the medication prescribed please contact the practice.

You have also been prescribed a course of antibiotics. These play an important role in your healing. They will aid in preventing infection and work alongside the pain relief to reduce swelling and to control pain. Please follow directions carefully and take them exactly as directed. It is extremely important you complete the whole course, regardless of pain and/or swelling.

It is important you do not take any prescription medications on an empty stomach. If you are taking antibiotics and birth control pills together, you should be aware that the birth control may become ineffective, therefore take appropriate precautions. Continue to take any regularly scheduled medication (for diabetes, high blood pressure, etc) unless advised to do otherwise. You may continue taking your multivitamins and other nutritional supplements.

Bleeding will be under control by the time you leave the hospital or Dr Webber’s rooms. The surgical site will be stitched closed with dissolvable sutures which usually dissolve within 7 – 14 days. The time frame can vary from person to person, do not be concerned if they start to come out sooner than this, or stay in longer. There may be some minor bleeding or oozing post operatively. If bleeding persists, it is best controlled by biting on a gauze pack, wet tea bag or handkerchief. The pack/bag can be changed every 45 minutes until the bleeding subsides. It is best to sit and rest with your head elevated to a 30 degree angle (2 pillows behind your head).

Swelling may occur following surgery (usually peaking at day 2 or 3). Swelling can be controlled by the immediate application of ice packs for the first 48 hours following surgery. Ice packs should be applied to the outside of the face (not directly on the skin) in intervals of 30 minutes on and 30 minutes off. If swelling persists after 48 hours, change to using moist heat (warm towel, or hot water bottle). This will further encourage the swelling to reduce.

Please be extremely careful of the implant site following placement. You do not want any unnecessary pressure being applied to the area whilst bone integration is occurring. If you have an implant on one side of the mouth, favour the other side while chewing. Continue this extreme care especially for the first 14 days, then after this just be mindful.

It is important to maintain good oral hygiene when you have implants. The day after the procedure you can commence your normal brushing and flossing routine. Dr Webber recommends you rinse after every meal with warm salty water (1 teaspoon of salt dissolved into a cup of warm water). If you have a denture, we recommend you leave it in for the first 24 hours, then after this wear only when required during the day and leave it out at night. At night it is best to leave the denture in a denture bath or glass filled with water. You can clean your denture with warm soapy water. Do not use hot water or mouth rinses.


Start taking your antibiotics and pain relief as required (take with food).Use of ice packs to reduce swelling. Ice packs should be applied to the outside of the face in intervals of 30 minutes on and 30 minutes off. Leave in any dentures or flippers (making sure they are not applying any pressure to the implant site). Under no circumstance can you drive a car or operate heavy machinery for at least 24 hours after a general anaesthetic. DO NOT drink through a straw or drink alcohol.Limit physical activity for at least 2 – 3 days. Over-exertion may lead to postoperative bleeding and pain. DO NOT SMOKE, as this will delay healing and interfere with bone regeneration. Start eating soft food (yoghurt, scrambled eggs, milkshakes etc), avoid chewing in the area of the implant.


Start rinsing with warm salty water (1 teaspoon of salt in 1 cup of warm salty water) and continue this for 1 week. Proceed with regular brushing and flossing. Continue with antibiotics and pain relief as required. Continue with soft diet until you feel you are ready to return to your regular diet.

Please feel free to contact Dr Webber, regarding any unusual occurrences or if you have any questions. Dr Webber can be reached for emergencies (such as profuse bleeding, uncontrolled pain, persistent nausea and prolonged elevated temperature) and supply immediate advice during office hours on (07) 5527 8858.

After hours, please leave a message and we will return your phone call on the following business day; or, if necessary, present to your nearest public or private hospital.